The thought recently occurred to me that I should welcome opportunities instead of seeking out opportunities (art opportunities, that is). Being a conference speaker at the 2022 TransCultural Exchange Conference on Opportunities in the Arts is such an experience as I was offered the experience.
Happening 4-6 November 2022 at the Boston Colleges of the Fenway and titled 'Create the Future', the conference will explore inclusivity, diversity and will support its thirty-year mission 'to foster a greater understanding of world cultures through large-scale global art projects, cultural exchanges and educational programming — most notably, our International Conferences on Opportunities in the Arts.
Representing an art residency that has, in more ways than one, been life-altering for me is an incredible opportunity but also an opportunity that humbles me. I will be one of the first speakers up in the Natural Wonders Panel which will include a residency from the Amazon!! The other panelists will speak about their residencies which include presentations and conversations pertaining to Mauritius and Taiwan and I will represent the Tankwa Artscape Residency in South Africa, which I happen to be incredibly passionate about. It's going to be enormously exciting and stimulating, and I have no doubt that my horizons will be expanded exponentially!
So, to come back to my thought about putting out my intentions of receiving opportunities as opposed to not actively seeking out opportunities: I am wondering whether it may not be an issue of trust? Having the faith that those opportunities that are 'right' for one will, by way of energetic frequency, become aligned with one's intentionality? What are your thought on this ...?
On a last note: should you be interested in the Tankwa Artscape Residency here is a short YouTube video which will give you a sense of the space and experience thereof. As it's really difficult to put such an experience into the confinement of language, this video speaks for itself. If all is good, you might receive this opportunity if it aligns with your own intentions.
For applications click here. It is, remarkably, a free residency.
